How Not to Do a Home Page

Just for fun, I've picked a few links that will show you how not to do a home page. You'll get a chance to see some really awful home pages as well as learn ways to tell if your own home page sucks. Any sites listed as "New" were added July/97.

Anthony's Most Annoying of the Web-This page offers the "Annoying Site of the Week" or maybe more than one. The blinking text on this page is guaranteed to annoy even the biggest fan of it.

Daily Double Award for Impotence-This site also offers and Award for Excellence but the bad ones are more fun.

Egotistical Site of the Week - A new self-serving web site listed every week. You can also check the archives or the Hall of Fame sections.

Fragile Liquid-For truly tasteless icons on your home page, visit this sight. Even the owner says it'll make your pages look like you've spent ten cents. Look under "Krunky stuff."

HTML Bad Style Page

I Hate Frames - One person's opinion.

Internet Faux Pas Forum - Here's your chance to submit your gripes about what's wrong with home pages. You'll find others carping about blinking text, frames and whatever else you can possibly find that's annoying.

Mirsky's Worst of the Web - Some truly horrible home pages can be found here. A must see!

Netscape's Hall of Shame - This page offers links to good, bad, dizzy, painful and ugly home pages. Entertaining.

Still Under Construction - Not - Kabir's comments. He vents his pet peeve here.

Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design - Read about frames and orphan web pages.

Top Ten Ways to Tell if You Have a Sucky Home Page- 'nuff said.

Useless Pages-This page offers the "Useless Homepage of the Week" and offers tons of places to check out - like the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Page, ugh! Hilarious stuff with a "Home for Retired Useless Pages" section to enjoy as well.

www.pathos- Devoted to pages that are truly pathetic - not merely useless. A lot of the pages are trying to make a buck or two along the way while making your eyes glaze over.

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Updated on July 1, 1997.